Class Supply Lists
Ms. Adkins Full-Day Class
If any of these items would cause your family a financial hardship PLEASE do not purchase! We can always figure it out- we will always make sure your child has everything they need at school.
All school supplies (markers, paper, pencils, etc) are provided for your child. They do not need to bring any individual supplies!
Required Items
Your child needs: Please label all items
- Water bottle that your child can open and close independently
- Rest time items (small blanket, pillow, lovie), labeled with their name and in a reusable shopping bag or tote)*
- In a 1 gallon zip top bag:
- 2 extra changes of clothes (weather appropriate)
- Hard-sided pencil case (5”x8”)
- Family photo 4”x6” (hard copy or email)
- If your child will pack a lunch, please use a thermos for hot foods- we cannot heat food up for meal times.
- A backpack for carrying work, nap items, papers, etc.
- sun hat/glasses for outside play (we cannot apply sunscreen)
Please consider our wishlist (All items optional but very much appreciated!)
- Dry erase markers (Fine and broad tip, any colors)
- Dish sponges without scrubby side
- Glue sticks
- Paper towels, napkins, or plates
- “People Colors” markers
- Clean junk for art (paper towel/toilet paper tubes, yogurt tubs, jar lids, buttons, boxes, ribbons, fabric scraps, etc)
- Blank cards, envelopes, stationary
- Stickers! Any size or type
- Shovels, buckets, cups, bowls, etc for sand and water play
- Magazines to cut up
- Dress up items for dramatic play
24/25 Kindergarten Supplies List
● 1 Pair of over the ear headphones with microphone (labeled with name)
● 1 box of crayons (Crayola brand preferred)
● 3 glue sticks
● 1 pkg dry-erase markers
● 1 Primary ruled composition book
● 1 Plastic pencil box
● 1 box of washable broad line markers (Crayola brand preferred)
● 1 pkg of watercolors (Crayola brand preferred)
● A small towel or blanket for rest-time (labeled with name)
● Regular sized backpack without wheels (labeled with name)
● A change of clothing (labeled with name)
● Boys- 1 box of sandwich size zipper bags
● Girls- 1 box of gallon size slider bags
● 1 roll of paper towels
● 1 box tissues
● 1 ream copy paper
*Please refrain from labeling items unless requested in the list
1st Grade
- 2 boxes facial tissue
- 2 packs pencils
- 1 box crayons (24-count)
- 1 pack glue sticks
- 1 pair of rounded scissors
- 4 pocket folders
- Pack of pink erasers
- 1 box colored pencils
- 2 wide-lined spiral notebooks
- 1 box watercolors
- 1 package water-based markers
- 2 plastic pencil boxes
- 1 water bottle designated for classroom
- 1 personal pencil sharpener
- 2 reams white copy paper
- 2 bottles hand soap
- Antibacterial wipes
- Hand sanitizer
2nd Grade
- Disinfectant wipes
- Disinfectant spray
- Hand sanitizer - 1 bottle for the class, and mini sanitizer for personal use
- 2 reusable/washable face masks (one will be kept in class)
- Paper towels
- Box of tissue
- Pencils w/ personal hand sharpener OR Mechanical pencils w/ extra lead
- Pencil erasers
- Plastic pencil box/bag or small supply caddy
- Crayons
- Colored pencils
- Markers
- Watercolor paint palette
- Scissors
- Plastic or rubber ruler
- 3 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled)
- 3 plastic folders
- Dry erase markers
- Highlighters
- Bright-colored Post-Its
- Notecards
- Printer paper
- Card stock
- Wide-ruled notebook paper
Please keep in mind that all learning supplies will only be for personal use and will be kept at their desks. Plastic, metal, and rubber materials are preferred so that they can be cleaned easily. Cleaning products will be essential, and I thank you in advance for your generosity!
3rd Grade
- 1 1in 3-ring binder
- 4 packages of pencils
- 1 hand-held pencil sharpener
- 2 pocket folders
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 ruler (not bendable)
- 5 spiral (1 subject) notebooks
- 1 box washable markers
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 large boxes of tissue
- 1 box of zipper seal sandwich bags
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 container of antibacterial wipes
- 1 ream of computer paper
- 1 water bottle
4th Grade
- 1 backpack
- 24 pencils (#2) (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 1 box crayons (24-count) Please don’t get a bigger box, it is too hard to store
- 1 pair pointed scissors
- 6 plastic pocket folder (with brads)
- 4 eraser
- 1 box colored pencils (12-24 count is sufficient)
- 4 spiral notebooks
- 3 glue sticks
- 1 zipper bag or school box
- 1 package water-base marker (8-20 or so is sufficient)
- 1 ruler
- 1 protractor
- 1 1 1/2” 3 ring heavy-duty binder
- 2 black sharpies
- 1 package of dry erase markers (EXPO work the best)
- 2 package of copy paper
- 1 composition notebook
- Boys: Kleenex and hand soap
- Girls: Cleaning wipes and extra dry erase markers
5th Grade
- 1 one inch 3-ring binder
- 5 spiral notebooks (single subject)
- Water bottle (to keep at school, with secure top)
- 1 package of dry erase markers
- 4 packages of pencils
- 1 personal hand-held sharpener
- 6 glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 ruler
- 1 pocket folder
- 1 box of colored pencils
- 1 package of markers
- 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
- 2 large boxes of tissue